Curriculum Developer & Assistant to Psychologist (Brooklyn) Habilitation Specialist (Harlem/Chelsea)
United Cerebral Palsy of New York City — 2010-2012 — Social Services
I initially worked as a volunteer alongside the Brooklyn location’s in-house psychologist to develop curriculum for the diverse group of handi-capable humans attending the center as both visiting consumers and in-house residents. Each individual had their own set of curriculum to work on, but we bridged together group themes to make it inclusive. Later, I worked 9-5 full-time as an in-house Habilitation Specialist in West Harlem, running a classroom of roughly one dozen consumers and designing daily activity that was relevant on both the individual and collective level. My greatest treasure was understanding the relativity in terms of personal strides made, from person to person, and how the simple things that we all take for granted were the most precious to the people I had the honor of knowing. This was not my first time nor the last working one-on-one with handi-capable individuals who also have physical and intellectual challenges, as I believe that a huge part of grace and community is understanding and supporting worlds that we would never otherwise be part of unless such a community was created with the opportunity to both contribute and receive understanding.
Visions Recovery Play — 2009-2010 — Social Services
We visited halfway houses and correction centers in the NYC area, to connect with the people.
“Visions” has reached more than 40,000 people. The “Visions” troupe performs where few actors would ever dare; rehabilitation centers, hospitals, shelters, youth houses and correction centers. The cast and crew set up amidst the cafeterias, beds and conference rooms of treatment centers using the powerful medium of theater to educate about drug/alcohol addiction and show that recovery is possible. In the wake of the play the cast and crew of “Visions” are witnessing men and women, many who are caught in the wake of addiction, weeping after the performances, for they are given a renewed sense of hope. These special performances are usually “closed” to protect the anonymity of the clients. When the opportunity arises and we are able to acquire a large area with a stage for a performance, the clients are bused in from various rehabilitation centers and shelters and treated to a free night of theater, coffee and cake. It is not unusual to bring in four to five hundred people to witness a “Visions” show. If we can’t come to them, we bring them to us.
The play has also been presented to churches, schools and those at risk. It has been shown to educators and open to communities.
The journey of “Visions” began in 1991 while Bob L. (author, producer/director) used the short breaks on his job in an automotive plant to pen the images in his head. In a relatively short time he was able to complete the brief, but meaningful production which has brought its message of hope to many thousands throughout the tri-state area (N.J., N.Y. and Penn.) and beyond (Washington D.C., West Virginia, Michigan, Kansas, and as far west as Texas.
“I am a medical intuitive, healer and C-suite advisor. I work with terminal illness, fertility, undiagnosed (mystery) illness, mild to severe abuse of all varieties (verbal, physical, sexual, emotional), anxiety, depression, addiction, autism, and various mystical and philosophical mental/emotional states. I dropped my clinical psych studies years ago because I didn’t understand the boxes – now, I treat successful psychotherapists and psychiatrists. After years of “working” on people without realizing it, I learned how to more specifically channel my energy to help others: heal deep wounds, detach from addictions to people places and things, and find the courage to pursue their wildest dreams. I operate from a very grounded and powerful base, and I use my gifts of intuition, experience, education, and healing heart energy to help change the lives of others.”
~ Elaine