The Super Luxury Session (updates)
photo by Pia Oyarzun @madeinwater, in Bahamas
The Super Luxury Session updates:
as of June 2018, I am segueing into focusing specifically on my SLS for one-on-one work. my SLS is now a weekly or monthly intensive, and it is offered in NYC, in other national cities, and abroad. (**please see here my current offering for the destination SLS this summer/fall of 2018 in Greece**).
introductory SLS packages will be available as early as June 1st, and throughout the month of June only. since I can only do a certain number per year, my introductory offering will cease and I will continue to focus on a select few cases throughout the remainder of the year.
in NYC, I offer my SLS at a luxury hotel. after conducting so many sessions in my offices in and around Columbus Circle and Central Park West, it is time for a big change location-wise. along with this change encompasses Super Luxury Destination Sessions around the globe. focusing specifically on my SLS program is also a big change, and it has been a long time coming.
abroad, I have relationships with various hotel owners to support my SLS program, and I surmise that potential SLS enthusiasts may have some of their own special requests as far as location is concerned. all ideas can be accommodated to suit the greater good of the session. this summer, I plan to be in several different locations abroad; the Greek Islands, the South of France, and Italy. as scheduling permits, I will organize only a handful of SLS sessions.
nationally, in other cities such as Miami and Los Angeles, I have relationships similar to the luxe and hospitable venues I trust in both NYC and abroad. over the years I have conducted sessions in these spaces and they have worked out beautifully.
in tandem with this particular SLS session, both nationally and internationally, I am doing something that I have never done before — I am accepting referrals. that said, any potential patient must still follow protocol (order both books, navigate my blog, and leave a proper voicemail on the business line with no personal information). if there is one thing I could ask for with regard to my work, it is to repeat the value and integrity of the most incredible sessions that I have had to date — and I recognize, at this juncture with my work, the value of a proper referral. this is of course in stark contrast to my previous way of working, in which I strongly steered away from referrals (there were many valuable reasons for this, at the time, and often when I made exceptions, my original point was only proven). with my SLS program, however, there is a different feel, in the sense that I notice many of those interested in these sessions are in such socially sensitive positions that a referral can often feel like the only option.
on a personal level, I am really excited about this change — focusing specifically on this program, travel, expansion, and new environments. I have been working from the same locations now for the past 5 or 6 years, and those spaces have let me know that my energy has outgrown them. when our energy outgrows a particular space, because we are meant to expand in the world, funny things start to happen…I’ll leave that part to imagination.
I’ve had to work really hard, on a personal level, on not feeling like I have to be available to “everyone” and accommodate all persons possible. over the years I’ve received thousands of voicemails, often becoming overwhelmed with just knowing they are there — because I would feel an intense desire to respond to everyone. when that became impossible, due to volume and how deeply I work when I work (which was a LOT), I still struggled with moving more specifically into the luxe sector. I was concerned with how I would be perceived when I wasn’t available to everyone. then, my body began to take the toll and I could not seem to even scale my energy and availability with my former traditional one-on-one sessions. I grappled with what to create as the solution, and though the opportunities were there to focus only on work that would allow me to be at my best, I still felt I needed to be accessible to as many people as possible. while I will come back to that, and non-profit work will always be part of my life, right now there is a very needed and slated turn in the tide. I can only imagine that incredible things will birth from that turn, and I will have even more energy and resources to create the things that will in turn inspire others in the way that I hope to. I have not completely “given up” other work, but it is waning to a very faint existence, at least from my current vantage point.
if you are interested in my SLS, please follow the protocol on my About page and proceed only with a deep knowing that this work is right for you. if you are traveling from out-of-town, as many of my sessions do, you will be taken care of in NYC or any other location that we decide is best for this work. since I am interested in working only with the right person at the right time, there is no amount of incentive beyond right-person-right-time that will inspire our potential coming together. to put it more bluntly, there is not the option to purchase my SLS for “the right price”. I already know what it is like to have absolutely nothing in life, and that is actually where I found my greatest peace and worth. that said, there is no price on our energy, and mine has taken me years to cultivate. everything will be done in accordance with divine will on behalf of you, and myself.
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