February offer for former clients

My February offer for former clients is now available. Please call 917 985 1221 with questions. Please note that my phone doesn’t like to ring or register missed calls – even when it is on and the settings are correct. I am also occasionally missing voicemails, and people are not getting my voicemails. What can I say? If we have already worked together then you understand the interference.
Maintaining contact with those I love from the past by working with them in new formats has been a great treasure since 2020. This has been particularly cool as I focus on my multimedia projects (The Healing Elaine Show is still being edited), my locals community (healingelaine.locals.com – it is an interactive platform where I have posted videos of myself, hosted live chats and book clubs, and community members can engage with one another), and my writing for upcoming books.
Happy almost February!
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